I'm a PhD candidate at TU Wien since October 2020, under the supervision of Mantas Simkus and Magdalena Ortiz. My research focus is now on Description Logics (DLs), with particular emphasis on non-monotonic extensions of them. Previously, I worked on Lukasiewicz Logic. I have some experience as a teacher, both outside and inside academia.
- Phone: +4366565363633
- City: Vienna, Austria
- Address: Favoritenstrasse 9-11, 1040
- Email: federica.stefano[at]tuwien.ac.at
Short Curriculum
βIt's the possibility of having a dream come true that makes life interesting.β β Paulo Coelho, The Alchemist
MSc in Mathematics
2016 - 2019
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy.
Supervised by Luca Spada, thesis title: A strong complete semantics for Lukasiewicz Propositional Logic.
BSc in Mathematics
2013 - 2016
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy.
Supervised by Cristina Coppola, thesis title: Point-free geometry: metric approaches and logic dualities.
Professional Experience
Project Assistant
2020 - Present
TU Wien, Vienna, Austria
Research Scholarship
Febraury 2020 - September 2020
University of Salerno, Salerno, Italy
International Conferences
Equilibrium Description Logics: Results on Complexity and Relations to Circumscription
Di Stefano F. and Simkus M.
KR2024 - Accepted
Stable Model Semantics for Description Logic Terminologies
Di Stefano F. and Simkus M.
AAAI2024 - Link
Description Logics with Pointwise Circumscription
Di Stefano F., Ortiz M. and Simkus M.
IJCAI2023 - Link
Unification in Lukasiewicz Logic with a Finite Number of Variables
Abbadini M., Di Stefano F. and Spada L.
IPMU2020 - Link
Informal Publications and Abstracts
Stable Model Semantics for Description Logic Terminologies (Extended Abstract)
Di Stefano F. and Simkus M.
DL2024 - Link
Description Logics with Pointwise Circumscription (Extended Abstract)
Di Stefano F., Ortiz M. and Simkus M.
Recently Published Research Track at KR2023.
Pointwise Circumscription in Description Logics: a Local Approach to Non-Monotonicity.
Di Stefano F.
Doctoral Consortium at KR2021.
Translating Equilibrium Description Logics into Circumscription
Presented at DL2024.
Stable Model Semantics for Description Logic Terminologies
Presented at AAAI2024 and DL2024.
Description Logics with Pointwise Circumscription
Presented at IJCAI2023 and KR2023.
Pointwise Circumscription in Description Logics
Presented at DL2022, co-located with NMR2022.
Pointwise Circumscription in Description Logics: a Local Approach to Non-Monotonicity.
Doctoral Consortium at KR2021, short abstract here.
Unification in Lukasiewicz Logic with a Finite Number of Variables
Presented online at IPMU2020, sadly I lost the slides.
Teaching Assistant for Description Logics and Ontologies, cross-curricular, TU Wien,
Winter Semester 2023, in person.
Teaching Assistant for Geometry III, BSc in Mathematics, University of Salerno,
Summer Semester 2020, 20 hours, online.
Teaching Assistant for Mathematics I, BSc in Environmental Science, University of Salerno,
Winter Semester 2017, 20 hours, in person.
I come from a small region in southern Italy called Molise, where the background picture was taken (from my balcony). Molise is known to be the least-known region of Italy or the Italian region that does not exist, from which the moniker Molisn't. I am a Potterhead (proud member of Ravenclaw), a Marvel fan, and a collector of Lego. My guiding spirit is a Golden Retriever.